Surprising Summer Skin Hazard: Citrus + Sun = Burns

Learn about Margarita burns, a skin reaction caused by citrus and sun exposure. Find out how to protect your kids from this hidden danger with simple sun safety tips.

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As the last remnants of summer linger, it’s easy to overlook hidden dangers from those sunny days. Did you know that a simple lime or lemon can lead to painful burns for your little ones when mixed with sun exposure?

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Margarita Burns: The Hidden Sun Danger for Kids

How citrus and sunlight can cause unexpected skin burns—and how to prevent it

Here’s one you might not have heard of: Margarita burns. It’s not just a catchy name—this skin condition can happen when kids come into contact with citrus juice (like from limes or lemons) and then spend time in the sun. One mom learned the hard way when her toddler got painful burns just from eating outside with a lime in hand. It’s called phytophotodermatitis, and it’s more common than you’d think!

Why it counts
As parents, we’re always thinking of sunscreen, but who knew that picnic lemons or a fun day with lime-flavored drinks could leave serious burns? Kids are especially at risk because they’re more likely to get juice on their skin and not think twice. Protecting their sensitive skin isn’t just about the sun—it’s about what’s on it, too!

Behind the why
When citrus juice or other plants with photosensitizing chemicals mix with UV rays, it can cause redness, blistering, and burns. And the worst part? It might not show up until a day or two later.

Our take
A little sun safety tip: After those fruity snacks or DIY lemonade stands, be sure to wash little hands and faces before heading into the sun. It’s an easy way to prevent a nasty surprise later on. Margarita burns may sound like a vacation problem, but it’s a reminder to be mindful of those outdoor summer activities!

Truth bomb
Turns out, your poolside margarita isn’t just refreshing—it could be a burn waiting to happen for your kids.

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  • Subtle flavors & new texture experiences for mini mouths

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ABC Baby Muffins (with Apple, Banana, and Carrot!)

I am a super fan of muffins for kids since they are so convenient and endlessly versatile. And they can be a helpful way to offer foods the kids aren’t always interested in eating straight up. But when making muffins for babies, there are a few specific considerations I like to keep in mind. Here’s what makes these special:

These have healthy fats from eggs.

  • The tender muffins are easier to chew than traditional ones as they are moister. (Bready textures can be tricky for some kids)

  • The flavor and sweetness come from fresh bananas, apples, and carrots.

  • These are made without added sugars, which is recommended for babies.

  • They freeze well, so you can store half of the batch for a future week—yay for easy meals

TIP: I am usually very straightforward in the way I name recipes, but I did think “ABC” was fitting here and it’s a helpful way to remember what’s in the muffins (Apples, Bananas, and Carrots…see? Fun!)


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